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Krissy Boo

  • Created By : Krissy Boo
  • Created Date : 2021-08-10 09:40:56
  • Total Signatures : 0
Petitions Home » Browse Petitions » Support arts and culture in Liberia

Support arts and culture in Liberia

For many years, arts and culture have played a major role all over the world. 1. Arts and culture brings about Unity stability.

Krissy Boo

2.5K Views 0 Comments 3 Likes


1. Arts and culture helps to eradicate poverty and Bill's up the countries Revenue.

2. Arts and culture helps to build up the economy, thus providing jobs and opportunities for many.

3. In times of conflict or war, Arts can be used as a method to reconcile the people or Nations.

Art's is a way of life and a means of communication, be it through paintings, music, movies, literature or sports.

Arts and culture can help build up a nation and make it great so it's about time that the Liberian people/the government of Liberia start to invest in the Liberian artist and the Liberian culture.